

A Perfect Lounge

I have been house hunting. for a really. long. while. We've found the right house 3 times. But the price was never right. So, I got heart broken 3 times.

To while away the time whilst we recuperate from the losses, let me share with you my grand plan for the lounge area (of course, it still depends on what the house looks like and what space we have). But, day-dreaming is free...

Image from Atlanta Bartlett

White walls and dark wooden floors. The husband and I love dark floors. But they are such a pain to keep clean. Every dust shows when light hits the floor. And you have to keep moving the furniture and rugs around for it to fade evenly.

Image from Atlanta Bartlett

So, maybe some light coloured reclaimed timber floors? I think it would be such joy if I can traipse around in my stilletos (not that I would do that, but you know what I mean). These floors don't look like you can eat off them. But think of all the vacuuming hours saved!

The Oscar Sofa (image from Designro). A sofa is one of the things I would purchase brand new. Unless I happen to find one I can strip back to its frames. I love clean lines, plain coloured fabric, and a classic, but leaning towards a more modern overall look. I would buy a sofa for life, so it has to be something I can grow old with. I think this sofa is all that.

(Image via Furniture Fashion)

And I've blogged about this vintage cart before. Though I wish there was some storage. So I was thinking of adding in a raised glass top, but only if I can find one like this that's low enough for the extra addition.

Image from Design Evolution

A tufted regency bench that can double as a long footstool for nights in front of the telly.  Maybe add some classic looking castors for practicality. I think this would be really hard to find. I would settle for a long bench and tufted cushions.

Image from Bloesem

A beautiful 60s sideboard behind the sofa.

Another new thing - a really unique, 100% wool, pebble rug from 2Form. I just wonder what would happen if I drop an earring?